Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Copynorm survey - answering some questions

Thank you for everyone who has responded to the survey so far. I have just short of 500 responses, it would be really great to double that before the survey closes, so please share with your friends.

The survey has generated a lot of comments and I think I owe it to those who have bothered to comment to collect together some of their questions and address them here. Unfortunately I can't discuss the thinking behind the questions - otherwise I might bias the answer - and so I won't talk about specific questions.

The unexplored

There are a lot of interesting areas that I have left unexplored. That is deliberate. In order to keep the survey reasonably short and within various technical constraints I had to pare down the range of things I explored considerably.

Penniless artists

For example: does the status of the creator of the work make a difference? Some people do seem to think that a very wealthy rock star has less right to complain about copying of their work than a penniless artist: others disagree. It would be very interesting to know what difference that made and I considered asking questions to explore that distinction. Unfortunately those questions had to be cut.

A similar example is given by a commenter known as Julian:
... if the artist gets paid 0.02p out of a £15.99 product, or is dead, then it's a little difficult to argue that copying the CD counts as stealing from them.


It is often asserted that people who illegally download music (in particular) are more likely to buy music than people who do not. I have no idea whether that is true, but there is clearly a view that it is OK to circumvent a publisher and download something without paying if you are "testing" the work out. Provided you actually buy a copy if you keep it, then you have done nothing wrong.

An anonymous commenter said:
in the situation where [someone] wants to listen to an album but doesn't want to pay for it, while I marked that I thought it was OK, there needs to be a little nuance there. If he wants an album so he can hear it and decide whether or not he likes it and is willing to spend money, that's totally fine. If he wants it specifically so he doesn't ever have to pay for it, that's a problem.
This was another of the questions I wanted to ask but fell on the cutting room floor.

The law

One of the main aims of this survey is to find out what people think is acceptable not what people think is legal. But that causes a problem for some people who believe there is inherent value in obeying the law whatever their own morality might be.

"James" says:
whilst I believe that the law relating to copyright, patents, trademarks and other forms of so-called "intellectual property" ought to be drastically liberalised, I believe that people ought to obey the law even though they disagree with it this distinction is not recorded by the survey
James's position is to give what philosophers call "deontological value" to the law. His concern is that the survey doesn't capture that distinction.

In fact I am in roughly the same position as James. As a child I was enormously influenced by the character of Sir Thomas More as brilliantly portrayed by Paul Scofield in Fred Zinnemann's A Man for All Seasons and in particular by the following quote:

William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!
Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?
William Roper: Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!
Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!
(courtesy IMDB
The answer to James is that I am aware that the law affects people's views on right and wrong and I will try to take that into account. If I have sufficient responses from different jurisdictions world-wide (I am hopeful) then I may be able to analyse whether the jurisdiction in which someone lives affects their views.

Gervase Markham also wonders why I don't ask people "do you think this should be legal so you could do this". That would be a fascinating. In fact my first plan for the project was to find out what people thought was or was not legal. I think it would be really interesting to know what people think the law actually is and that seems to me logically prior to asking them whether they want the law to be changed (you can't want to change the law if you don't know what it is).

All I can say is that what my supervisor and I ended up thrashing out was different. However if anyone wants to help out with a survey of that or something else of interest later in the year, I would be very interested in suggestions (see my remarks at the end).

Charles Oppenheim says:
Another problem with the survey is that, assuming the changes go through, UK copyright law will permit some of the actions outlined in the survey that are currently illegal.
That may be right (there's a lot of "it depends") and if people would like me to I would be happy to produce an analysis of all the questions and their legality once I am finished with the dissertation.

The world as it is 

Reuben Thomas is unhappy that his answers may not reflect his true belief. 
I said "yes" to almost every part of every question, but that does not mean that I think that it's good if everyone copies and shares everything; it's rather that the current situation is bad in so many ways.
He then goes on to give a number of situations where (to paraphrase) the market is distorted, which in turn may justify behaviour that would not be justified if those distortions were not present. Origami Girl and Saxon Christopher raise similar points.

My hope was that people would understand the survey to be about the world as it is with all its perfections and oddities. I wanted to avoid being overly abstract. I thought that concrete "real world" situations might bring clearer answers. Whether I am right about that remains to be seen. However the point is taken and, if I had more space, would be something worth exploring.


Paul and Gervase both suggest asking a question along the lines of "would you do this?". That would be a logical since I ask what other people would do, why don't I ask what the person answering the survey would do. The simple answer is that I am constrained by university rules on ethics. If I ask whether someone would do something that may be unlawful (or in some places and cases criminal) that is very much more intrusive than asking them what they think is OK. It is also very close to asking them "have you ever done this?", which would be an even more intrusive question.

Much as I would like to know, I have had to avoid questions like this altogether.

Free text

I considered allowing free text comments in the survey (either for each question or for the survey as a whole). Maybe I should have allowed them as an option. I was keen to keep things short and simple and I thought the value of adding free text might be less than the cost in additional cognitive load on people answering the survey.

Given the very interesting questions and comments from people on completion, maybe that was a mistake and I should have added something to let people express their frustration at the narrowness of the categories offered (something I struggle with in surveys) and to offer me the benefit of their wisdom. I am grateful that so many have bothered to add their comments to the survey.


Thank you for all your comments. I am sorry if I haven't (yet) addressed something you have said. I am really grateful for all the feedback.

One of the main themes seems to be that I didn't answer questions people wanted answering. I hope to have this dissertation done and dusted by May / June, but I will still have some time left on my surveymonkey subscription so if anyone wanted to do the hard work of canvassing people to answer another more detailed survey, or a survey about other things (eg what you think the law should be) I would be more than happy to offer legal, technical and statistical advice and support. 

I think we know far too little about what the general population thinks about copying and the law, so the more the merrier. Maybe a kickstarter to raise funds to buy a properly sampled audience is something to try.

I hope to be able to publish the data in open data format and some commentary on the final results later in the year, but for now please keep sharing and let's see if we can hit 1,000 respondents.


john r walker said...

A Question that was not asked is the term of copyright too long. After all some of the more vexing aspects of copyright, such as orphan works (and the problems they create for indexing public library books) often largely go down to the problems created by life plus 70 years . The very long term of copyright has created a lot more 'things' that are still in copyright that are simply a cost to society with little or no benefit to creators (and associated value adding industries) that have mostly gone to god decades ago. Surely 50 years from publication would be enough- a 'book' published when you were twenty would still be in copyright until you are 90.

john r walker said...

Sorry , brains a bit slow today
should have said:
a 'book' published when you were twenty would still be in copyright until you are 70.